How many sets and reps should you do?
I’ve always stuck to 3 sets of 9 reps, without really questioning it. But after learning about different training methods, I realized that the number of sets and reps can completely change your results. Different rep ranges help you train for specific goals—strength, muscle growth (hypertrophy), endurance, or power—and understanding them can help you get better results.
Strength Training (Low Reps, Heavy Weight)
- Reps: 1–6 per set
- Sets: 3–6
- Rest: 2–5 minutes between sets
- Weight: 85–100% of your 1-rep max (1RM)
Hypertrophy (Muscle Growth, Moderate Reps)
- Reps: 6–12 per set
- Sets: 3–5
- Rest: 30–90 seconds
- Weight: 65–80% of your 1RM
Power & Explosiveness (Low Reps, Explosive Movements)
- Reps: 1–5 per set
- Sets: 3–6
- Rest: 2–5 minutes
- Weight: 70–90% of your 1RM
Muscular Endurance (Low Weight, High Reps)
- Reps: 12-20+
- Sets: 2-3
- Rest: 30-60 sec
- Weight: Light (50-60% of your max)
Lately, I’ve been following a PHUL split, which combines both strength and hypertrophy training in the same week. This program is built around four workout days: two focused on strength (upper and lower body) and two dedicated to hypertrophy (muscle growth).
You can calculate your One Rep Max online
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